
Cascade control unit

The cascade control unit simplifies the management of complex installations with single or cascade generators, thermoregulation and integrations from renewable sources.It is equipped with system management schemes software already configured to speed up and facilitate the initial set-up phase.

Gestione intelligente delle caldaie

Smart management of cascade, with different logics for activating and rotating the generators (e.g. based on the temperature difference between generators and hydraulic separators).

Integrazione di energia rinnovabile

Complete management of the integration of renewable energy (Solar Thermal) on the production of DHW (dedicated exits and entrances).

Gestione zone impianto

Complete management of max three system zones, of which max 2 mixed, always available, with the possibility of room temperature control for each through a chronothermostat (optional)

Gestione bollitore

DHW tank load management, standard or Solar type with double exchanger (dedicated outputs and inputs).