

Acqua calda in abbondanza

Plenty of hot water

Thanks to the maxi insulated exchanger with 28 plates, Time is capable of delivering up to 18.4 l/min (35K version with ΔT 25°C)

Massimo Comfort Sanitario

Maximum domestic hot water comfort

Thanks to the Plus function, Time Micro is able to pre-heat the water in the maxi exchanger to guarantee ready DHW. Furthermore, pre-heating can be programmed according to your habits and needs, on three different temperature sets.

Mixer con modulazione pneumatica 1:10

Mixer with pneumatic modulation 1:10

The innovative mixer allows a wide modulation range up to 1:10. This allows Time to to adapt to any plant, as it is able to modulate its power according to the actual heat requirement of the plant

Gruppo combustione in acciaio inox

Stainless steel combustion unit

It allows recovery of the latent heat of the fumes, thus considerably increasing energy efficiency without suffering wear and tear damages caused by the acid condensation that tends to form inside it. For this reason Italtherm has realized this component in stainless steel.

Controllo multifunzione

Multifunction control system

Time is equipped with advanced electronics: this allows the skilled technician to manage the boiler in all operating phases and to obtain important information on its operating status.

Qualità ed efficienza

Quality and efficiency

Italtherm keeps using the brass on its hydraulic units to ensure maximum reliability and robustness of its products.

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Sifone condensa a secco

Condensed dry siphon

To increase safety and easy installation, Italtherm has developed a special siphon that does not require initial filling of water during installation thanks to an innovative additional safety system

Smart Remote Control

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Italtherm Net APP

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